Saturday, November 19, 2016

Our team readies for the fray at Lao Lao Resort Bariloche, Argentina

Teams officially formed yesterday. With pride we introduce ours....
# 40 driver Chuck Lyford /navigator out to lunch

# 18 driver Peter Thornton /navigator David Garrett, Brits
This cute little 39 Ford coupe performs quite competitively when not gushing radiator fluid. Very experienced rally folks.

# 3 driver Brian Shields /navigator Collin Shields Boise via Scotland and Belltown Seattle for Colin. P2P survivors who dare to be slow.  Their 1929 Buick 25x is our stately beauty queen. Evidently, felt brakes do not stop in rain.  Just the touch of class needed to balance our team.

We cluster nicely at the back of the pack, secure in the 
knowledge it can only get better or stay the same.

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