Saturday, November 26, 2016


 A few words must be said about our fabulous Hillclimb today. The vintage cars ran at 70 km/h, an impossible speed to make on these twisty, turny uphill road. By the end, about 12 km, Fang had passed a fuel truck, two Bentleys and a horse. Partway into the event Chuck announced that he could not drive the car. We looked and a water bottle had wedged under the clutch pedal! A very long stretch of my seatbelt managed to dislodge it and we proceeded with a few seconds lost. The event was designed to separate the men from the boys. What about the women? Great fun, highly chancy and just up our valley.
Super hot today, wet rags on our heads, vast amounts of water consumed and glad to be upgraded to a massive suite overlooking a park.

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